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Reserva Online.Carnes de raza a la parrilla y cocina mediterránea de temporada.Situado a pocos metros de plaza españa en pleno centro de palma demallorca.Atención esmerada, carta de vinos destacable y muy buena relaciónclidad precio.Book online.Race meat grilled and seasonal Mediterranean cuisine. Located a fewmeters from Plaza Spain in the heart of Palma de Mallorca.careful attention, letter of remarkable wines and very good valuefor money clidad.
5 océanos | Chillout & Sushi 3.0.43
Arteria Media
Reserva Online.Restaurante, chillout & sushi, descubre tus sueños en 5Oceanos.5 Océanos es un restaurante que te sorprenderá! Rica y sana comida,cocktails deliciosos y muy buena música en el mejor ambiente ChillOut!-----------------------------------------------App provided by: arteriamedia.comBook online.Restaurant, chillout & sushi, discover your dreams in 5Oceanos.5 OCEANS is a restaurant that will surprise you! Rich and healthyfood, delicious cocktails and great music in the best environmentChill Out!-----------------------------------------------App provided by:
arnau rayó | perruquers 3.0.51
Arteria Media
ARNAU RAYÓ PERRUQUERS rompe el conceptotradicional de la peluquería más convencional y se adentra en unterritorio inexplorado, donde mujeres y hombres podrán hallar unarespuesta adecuada, personal e intransferible, a sus inquietudes enlo que concierne a su imagen.STRIPED ARNAU PERRUQUERSbreaks the traditional concept of the most conventional hairdresserand ventures into uncharted territory, where women and men can finda suitable, personal, nontransferable response to their concernsregarding their image.
Sumailla | Japanese 3.0.43
Arteria Media
Japanese Peruvian Cuisine in the awesome Portd'Andratx of Mallorca!Romantic dinner in the evening? Lunch in front of the sea? All ofthis is possible in Sumailla.Visit us and enjoy a unique lunching experience in ourrestaurant.Japanese Peruvian Cuisinein the awesome Port d'Andratx of Mallorca!Romantic dinner in the evening? Lunch in front of the sea? All ofthis is possible in Sumailla.Visit us and enjoy a unique experience lunching in ourrestaurant.
siKim | Empuriabrava 3.0.43
Arteria Media
Reserva OnlineSíKim es un restaurante de tapas y disco lounge ubicado enEmpuriabrava, la marina residencial más grande del mundo, abiertodesde el verano de 2004. Es muy conocido en la Costa Brava por sugran terraza club, donde se celebran unas fiestas impresionantes yque cada verano se llena de gente buscando su bebida más popular,la tisana, un cocktail de cava con zumos naturales.El SíKim Disco Lounge es un espacio ideal para tomar una copa y conlas últimas tendencias de música electrónica pinchada por nuestrosDJs residentes e invitados. Es conocido en la provincia de Gironapor su gran terraza club, donde cada semana se celebran unasfiestas geniales.reserve OnlineSikkim is a tapas restaurant and disco lounge located inEmpuriabrava, the world's largest residential marina, open sincethe summer of 2004. It is well known in the Costa Brava for itslarge terrace club where stunning holidays are celebrated and everysummer is full of people looking for their most popular drink, thetea, a cocktail of champagne with fresh juices.The Sikkim Disco Lounge is an ideal place for a drink and thelatest trends in electronic music by the resident and guest DJsspace. It is known in the province of Girona for its large terraceclub where each week a great festivals are held.
Shamrock Palma 3.0.43
Arteria Media
Shamrock Palma offers a selected menu of meat,fish, tapas, homemade desserts. We cook our meat with oak coals andour hamburgers are made ​​from the meat of Angus and balances 220grams.All this is combined with a very high selection of cocktails,whiskey and Malta- reserves, coffee and a long list of spirits.Among others our products are: wines and national and internationalchampagnes and a variety of beers, of which definitely is theclassic and most beautiful dark beer.Below you will see our different menus where can be found so much,such as different tapas, or our wine list
Arteria Media
*** Reserva Online. ***El Hotel Santa Mónica Playa se halla situado en Salou, plenocorazón de la Costa Dorada. Es un moderno y confortable hotelsituado en la zona turística, a tan solo 250 metros de la playa y apocos minutos del centro y la zona lúdica.Dispone de 210 habitaciones equipadas con todas las comodidades deun hotel de tres estrellas: baño completo, terraza, aireacondicionado (en funcionamiento del 15/06 al 15/09), calefaccióncentral, televisión satélite, secador de pelo, teléfono y cajafuerte opcional. Nuestro hotel también dispone de terraza con: dospiscinas (Adultos y niños) con tumbonas y sombrillas. Además derestaurante, bar y mini club (abierto en verano y con horariolimitado) wifi gratuito en recepción, piscina y bar.El restaurante con servicio de Buffet libre con un amplia variedad,como también de un buffet especial para niños. En verano no sepierda nuestras cenas temáticas. Dispone de zona infantil y deanimación: flamenco, discoteca, karaoke, shows y música envivo.*** Book Online.***The Hotel Santa Monica Playa is located in Salou, the heart of theCosta Dorada. It is a modern and comfortable hotel located in thetourist area, just 250 meters from the beach and a few minutes fromthe center and recreational area.It has 210 rooms with all the amenities of a three star hotel:bathroom, balcony, air conditioning (operating from 15/06 to15/09), central heating, satellite TV, hairdryer, telephone andsafe optional. Our hotel also has a terrace with two swimming pools(adults and children) with sun loungers and parasols. In additionto restaurant, bar and mini club (open in summer and limited hours)Free wifi in reception, pool and bar.The restaurant with buffet service a wide variety, as well as aspecial buffet for children. In summer our theme dinners do notmiss. It has playground and animation: flamenco, disco, karaoke,shows and live music.
SURY SARAY | Estética Avanzada 3.0.51
Arteria Media
SURY SARAY | Estética AvanzadaCentro de estetica, donde se realizan tratamientos faciales,corporales, asesoramiento en nutricion, depilaciones.SURY SARAY | AdvancedaestheticsAesthetic center where facials are performed, body, nutritioncounseling, depilation.
Arteria Media
Ya está disponible la reserva online.Easyfitness es una gran cadena de gimnasios dedicada a fomentar lasalud física y mental, otorgando beneficios a su vida diaria;contamos con instructores capacitados, con años de experiencia enla materia, brindamos también orientación.Estamos comprometidos con “mejorar la calidad de vida de laspersonas a través de la filosofía del ejercicio, infraestructura,programas, productos y de inculcar en la vida de toda la comunidadel valor de la salud y el ejercicio.Contamos con equipo cardiovascular y muscular, programas aeróbicos(Easy pump , zumba,easy Cycling, “kick boxing ” pilates…), concursos variados para todos los niveles, nuestro personal estáaltamente calificado, además tenemos horarios flexibles.MISIÓNFomentar en nuestros clientes incomparable energía para ayudarles aalcanzar sus objetivos individuales; con nuestra amplia experienciales proveemos bienestar en base a un esmerado servicio, en unambiente agradable y con un personal altamente capacitado en lamateria.Now available onlinebooking.Easyfitness is a large chain of gyms dedicated to promotingphysical and mental health, providing benefits to their dailylives; we have trained instructors with years of experience in thefield, we also provide guidance.We are committed to "improving the quality of life of peoplethrough the philosophy of exercise, infrastructure, programs,products and inculcate in the life of the whole community the valueof health and exercise.We have cardiovascular and muscular equipment, aerobics programs(Easy pump, zumba, cycling easy, "kickboxing" pilates ...) withvaried courses for all levels, our staff is highly qualified, wealso have flexible schedules.MISSIONEncourage our customers unmatched power to help them achieve theirindividual goals; with our extensive experience we will providewelfare based on excellent service, a friendly atmosphere and ahighly trained staff in the field.
Arteria Media
Honesto y fiel a la esencia de la música "realhouse music". Se podría definir la carrera Kiko Navarro en esas dospalabras. Navarro es un DJ y productor movido por su pasión por lossonidos con ranura y el sentimiento, la selección de las melodíasperfectas para lubricar una pista de baile._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Honest and faithful to the essence of real house music. You coulddefine Kiko Navarro´s career in those two words. Navarro is a DJand producer moved by his passion for sounds with groove andfeeling, selecting the tunes perfect to lubricate a dancefloor.More than twenty years has endorsed this tireless alchemy architectand Navarro has become one of the main figures of the BalearicIslands scene being both resident at Pacha Mallorca for a decadeand a regular at Pacha Ibiza (official resident in 2008), SpaceIbiza (monthly resident in 2012) and Space Menorca.An artistic career as a DJ has opened doors from his nativeMallorca to the rest of Spain and around Europe and the UK, inpedigree clubs such as The Egg (London), Fabrik (Moscow), Cocoon(Frankfurt), Duel Beat (Naples), Prive (Estonia), Bolivar BeachClub (Athens) and Sound Planet (Kiev), among many others. Since2008, Navarro is the official DJ of the Ducati Marlboro Team MotoGPand plays their Moto GP Championship parties around theworld.Since 2008 until 2014 he has been the official Dj of the DucatiMarlboro Moto GP Team and has played in their lounge and partiesalong Moto GP Championship around the World.Honest and true to theessence of music "real house music". You could define the race KikoNavarro in those two words. Navarro is a DJ and moved by hispassion for sounds with groove and feeling producer, selecting theperfect melodies to lubricate a dance floor._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Honest and faithful to the essence of royal house music. You CouldKiko defined in Navarro's Those two words career. Navarro is a DJand producer Moved by His passion for sounds With groove andfeeling, Selecting the perfect tunes to lubricate a dancefloor.More than twenty years have endorsed esta tireless alchemyarchitect and Navarro has Become One of the main figures of theBalearic Islands scene being Both resident at Pacha Mallorca for adecade and regulate at Pacha Ibiza (official resident in 2008),Space Ibiza (monthly resident in 2012) and Space Menorca.An artistic career as a DJ has opened doors from His nativeMallorca to the rest of Spain and around Europe and the UK, inpedigree clubs: such as The Egg (London), Fabrik (Moscow), Cocoon(Frankfurt), Duel Beat (Naples ), Prive (Estonia), Bolivar BeachClub (Athens) and Sound Planet (Kiev), many others Among. Since2008, Navarro is the official DJ of the Ducati Marlboro Team MotoGPand MotoGP Championship Their plays around the world parties.Since 2008 Until 2014 I has-been the official DJ of the DucatiMotoGP Team and has played in Their lounge and parties along MotoGP Championship around the World.
Perfil 5 1.2.3
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Perfil 1 1.2.3
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Demo AppArt Perfil 1Demo appart Profile1
Peluqueria Equipo’s | Mallorca 3.0.50
Arteria Media
**Ahora reserva Online**Nuestro Centro de estética en Mallorca¿Por qué cuando busques un centro de estética en Mallorca Equipo’ses una opción más que a tener en cuenta? Nuestro establecimientocuenta con el equipo de profesionales y los medios técnicos idealespara atenderte siguiendo tus necesidades y preferencias. Abarcamosmúltiples especialidades en este campo, como corresponde a unestablecimiento palmesano con más de 20 años de experiencia en laslabores de peluquería y belleza.Peluqueria Equipo’s nace en 1991 de la mano de Araceli Ortiz, almamater de este centro dedicado a la belleza y sobre todo a la saludde tu cuerpo y cabello.Peluqueria Equipo’s dispone de un equipo de profesionales a lavanguardia del sector. Sus conocimientos de las nuevas técnicasconsiguen elevar el nivel de nuestra peluquería, con un único fin:alcanzar la satisfacción total de nuestros clientes.** ** Now OnlinereservationOur Beauty center in MallorcaWhy when looking for a beauty in Mallorca's Team is an optionrather than consider? Our establishment has professional staff andideal technical resources to assist you following your needs andpreferences. We cover multiple specialties in this field, as befitsa palmesano establishment with over 20 years of experience in thework of hairdressing and beauty.Team hairdresser's born in 1991 from the hand of Araceli Ortiz,alma mater of this center dedicated to beauty and especially thehealth of your body and hair.Hairdresser's Team has a team of professionals at the forefront ofthe sector. His knowledge of new techniques manage to raise thelevel of our hairdresser, with a single purpose: achieving totalcustomer satisfaction.
Perfil 2 1.2.3
Arteria Media
AppArt Perfil 2Appart Profile 2
Perfil 3 1.2.3
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AppArt Perfil 3Appart Profile 3
Perfil 4 1.2.3
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AppArt Perfil 4Appart Profile 4
Mona Lisa 1.2.3
Arteria Media
MonaLisa es un concepto que va mas allá delapeluquería. Su espacio ya es un decálogo de intenciones:luminoso,contemporáneo, exquisitamente decorado que huye de losuperfluo.Con una alta selección de tratamientos. Con losmejoresprofesionales en cada segmento. Personas cercanas que teasesoranen cada momento con los mejores productos. En resumen unlugar paracuidar nuestra imagen y nuestro espíritu. Nos encontrarásen elcentro de Terrassa. ¡Ven y prueba la nueva experiéncia!MonaLisa is a conceptthatgoes beyond the salon. Its space is already a list ofintentions:bright, contemporary, exquisitely decorated fleeing thesuperfluous.With a high selection of treatments. The bestprofessionals in eachsegment. People close advise you at all timeswith the bestproducts. In summary a place to take care of ourimage and ourspirit. You will find us in the center of Terrassa.Come and try thenew experience!